Monday, February 23, 2009

battle of the sexes

Michael J. Formica describes men as being “very linear, they go from point A to point B,” (Formica 1) whereas women “tend to think more globally and consider the big picture,” (Formica 1). Men like to accomplish a task, meet a women, have sex, and go home for the night, but women like to go for dinner, over-analyze any awkward pauses, weigh the possibility and prospect of marrying this person and maybe after a long enough waiting period, “make love” to them. Men tend to think more linearly whereas women look at the overall picture. Here lies the essential difference between the male and female brain: men are physical creatures and women are contemplative creatures. The bottom line is that “women are more apt to show up physically and sexually when their partner is emotionally present, while men tend more to just show up,” (Formica 1).

No matter how hard a women tries to rebel against this stereotype of being an emotional creature, they are ultimately tethered to an emotional overdrive that overpowers the physical. There may be some people thinking to themselves, “what about the Samantha’s of the world?” But I ask you; does Samantha not end up in a monogamous relationship with Smith? The answer is yes, because behind the façade of promiscuity and try-sexuality, all women want a stable, emotional relationship with someone. It is simply in our nature.

The relationship between males and females can be perfectly explained and understand with one example: cuddling. A woman could lay in bed with her partner for hours, just “cuddling” and basking in the company of another. At the same time, the male in this situation is calculating how many more seconds he has to lay in bed before it is acceptable for him to leave. This, my friends, is the difference between a man and a woman: physical versus emotional connection. At some point in every woman’s life she wants to stop screwing around, no pun intended, and settle down to a nice house in the suburbs, furnished with a husband, two kids, and dog. Whereas a man is perfectly content sleeping with a different women every night for the rest of his life, hence the existence of the bachelor pad. For every women looking for Mr. Right, there is a man looking for Miss. Right Now.

Formica, Michael J. "Gender Differences, Sexuality and Emotional Infidelity."
Weblog post. Psychology Today. 8 Jan. 2009. 23 Feb. 2009

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