Sunday, March 1, 2009

socratic seminar

1. What ideas will you be discussing in your upcoming blog post about Heterosexual Privilege? What TV show did you chose and why?
2. Do you believe that heterosexual privilege exists?
3. Do you know anyone who is homosexual and how did you feel when you found out he or she were gay?
4. How does the Twilight Zone episode “The Eye of the Beholder” apply to our discussion about heterosexual privilege?
5. In another article about heterosexual privilege the author says that if you are heterosexual “you can act, dress, and talk as you choose without it being considered a reflection on people of your sexuality.” Do you agree with this idea that homosexuals as a whole are often judged on the appearance, actions, or ideas, of one person?
6. Renee commented on the Heterosexual Privilege and disagreed with the statement that heterosexual couples “can walk in public with [their] significant other and not have people double-take or stare.” She goes on to say “This is false. I am a straight woman in an inter racial relationship and people stare at my husband and I constantly. Some people even outright refuse to believe that we are a couple even though we have been together for over 18 years.” Do you agree with Renee that interracial couples are stereotyped, judged, and mistreated like homosexual couples?
7. Michael C Hall plays a homosexual dealing with his sexuality in Six Feet Under. How does his character deal with his sexuality differently from the man in the episode of “Coming Out”?
8. Hall’s character feels like he is doing something wrong by being gay. How is this idea fostered by our society and what can be done to make society and struggling homosexuals accept themselves for who they are, not based on their sexuality?

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